Top 7 Devotionals for Women in Their 20s

It can be difficult to find a devotional that speaks to your heart and spirit, so I wanted to share a few devotionals that have changed my life. I try to read 1 devotional passage per day. You can find an archive of some quotes and scriptures that have stood out to me in the past via my Instagram Highlights here. I pray that this post encourages you to spend some quiet time with the Lord.

Top 7 Favorite Devotionals for Women in Their 20s

  1. Living With Purpose: Every human being was formed in the image and likeness of the Creator—a God of purpose and destiny. In turn, it is Heaven’s perfect plan for you to maximize your life, fulfill your destiny and live with a sense of divine purpose! In the Living With Purpose devotional, you will receive access to Biblical wisdom and spiritual insights that will help you face your day with increased vision and live your life with a greater sense of destiny. Purchase here.

  2. Mercy Like Morning: A 7-Day Devotional: We know we’re supposed to spend time with God, pray, and study His Word. But we don’t always know how to make that happen—or how to be truly refreshed and changed by the experience. In this 7-day study, Jane Johnson shows you how diving into God’s Word in fresh, full-to-the-brim ways in seasons of waiting can fill your life to overflowing. Because His mercies are new. Every single morning.

  3. Tongue Pierced With Nelson Search: Taken from his book "Tongue Pierced," bestselling author Nelson Searcy talks about how the words you speak transform the life you live. They are the gateway to your future. Whether it's the self-talk you have within yourself, the words you speak to your spouse, words of encouragement, words of gossip and complaining, or the words you use to describe your current circumstances, your words can either bring joy or pain.

  4. God Made Me Special: The world tells us we should conform to fit in and if we don’t, we won't be popular or cool. However that is not what God’s Word tells us! This reading plan shows how God made each of us unique and special. What are some ways God made you unique? What special talents or gifts has God given you? How can you use these unique gifts to share God’s love?

  5. Killing Kryptonite: Just like Superman, who can defeat every foe, you as a Christ follower have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges you face. But the problem for both Superman and you is there’s a kryptonite that steals your strength. This plan will help you uproot spiritual kryptonite from your life, so you can fulfill your God-given potential and embrace a life without limitations.

  6. Trust, Hustle, And Rest: The Bible commands us to work hard, but it also tells us that it is God—not us—who produces results through our work. As this four day plan will show, the Christian professional must embrace the tension between “trusting” and “hustling” in order to find true Sabbath rest.

  7. Called to Create: This 4-day plan weaves Scripture together with C. S. Lewis’s own words to paint a picture of how Lewis embraced God’s call to create and how we can do the same. As we will see modeled in Lewis’s life, viewing our work as a calling from God dramatically impacts our motivations for creating, the products we choose to create, and how we create them.

I believe that these devotionals are essential for Christian women in their 20s. Have you read any of the devotionals listed below? Leave the names of your favorite devotionals below.

Ps. Don’t forget to follow along with me on Instagram for daily devotional notes, @thejasminediane.

Lifestyle, FaithJasmine Diane