10 Random Facts About ME

1. I am frugal.

2. I have at least 3 mini photo shoots per  day.

3. I have never really traveled.

4. My favorite colors are pink, purple, and mustard.

5. I am obsessed with Mark Wahlberg.

6. I am starting an online store.

7. I like grilled cheese with mayo and pickles.

8. I have been given a lot or it was cheap. I do not buy anything over $50.

9. I hate working out!

10. I want to cut my hair off.

Bonus: I got my nose pierced this summer!

Enter the giveaway here.

You can help me get to KC Fashion Week by donating to my GoFundMe.com account or purchasing items form my online store. Thanks in advance!

Lifestylejasmine diane