Jasmine Diane

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5 Big Ways to Stop Stressing in 2018

Stress is a part of life, right? Yes. It's natural to stress from time to time, but that doesn't have to be your constant reality. I used to worry about getting things done all the time. Stress stops you from being present in meetings and kills productivity. Below are 5 ways to stop stressing in 2018.

Last week I pulled off a 20-hour day. Yep... twenty of good hours of brain power. Here's what I did:

7am Wake up, pray and get dressed for work

8:40am Leave for work

9am - 6:45pm Work

7pm - 7:45pm Run errands (Stopped by the Beauty Supply Store and grabbed dinner from Chipotle)

7:45pm - 12am Work on To Do List (COTC needs, answer emails from last week, write a letter of recommendation for branding client, schedule tweets through the weekend)

12am- 1am Gym

1am - 2am Netflix

I'm not superwoman, but I have learned how to do it all while working full-time. Every day is NOT a 20-hour day, but most days are filled with knocking things off my never ending To Do list. Below are a few ways I cut down stress with such a hectic schedule.

Get Organized

You can handle 20 hour days if you set yourself up for success. The first step to being organized is to write down everything that you need to do. Sit still for 5 to 10 minutes to create a master list then organize those tasks by level of importance. I try to start with things I don't like to do like answering emails and scheduling tweets then jump into writing content and planning my Instagram feed.

Save Money

I'm a spender by nature so saving isn't my favorite thing to do, but it’s been essential to getting off the broke bus. I sometimes struggle and live paycheck to paycheck, but I'm working hard on saving to avoid this behavior. I am currently saving for retirement (401k), emergencies, our wedding and my 26th birthday. Saving towards goals makes the act of saving worth my time. 

Here's my savings breakdown:

Retirement: My 401k is through my job and they match my donation. #winning

Wedding: I'm saving for our wedding using Rize. You can sign up here and get $5 for free. I love Rize because I can watch my money grow monthly. It was simple to setup and it's easy to adjust my savings goals. 

Emergency Fund: This one is my first priority. I am currently saving $300 per month for this fund. I want to save up 6 months’ worth of expenses in case I'm ever out of a job or can't hustle like I want to.

Stay Inspired

20-hour work days require inspiration. You must remember why you're working so hard to be successful. Are your kids your motivation? Does the next generation excite you? Never forget your "Why." For me, I get inspired looking at successful Black women across social media, style influencers on Pinterest and the creatives around me. I only spend time with people who I love and/or inspire me. There is no gray about this. People will either feed you or drain you. The choice is yours.

Say No

Sigh. You must learn how to say no to stop stressing. Your life will change when you stop agreeing to attend events that don't interest you and quit wasting time gossiping. It's tempting to Netflix and Chill, but what about meeting bae at a coffee shop and discussing your goals? When was the last time you turned your phone off and journaled? It is okay to say "no" to other people and "yes" to yourself.

Treat Yo'self

Spa days kill stress. I'm a sucker for a good facial when it's within my budget or a gift. I can’t describe the feeling after being away from my phone and To Do list for hours, but it's magical. Spas are expensive so check out Groupon deals and shop for massages during major holidays when businesses run promotions. I like to treat myself to a facial and/or massage once per quarter. Work hard, play hard. 

I hope that these tips were helpful and insightful. Say no to stress in 2018. May your edges and skin flourish all year long. Click here to download 20 Free Apps and Resources You Need to Do It All and Still Slay.