Jasmine Diane

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5 Things to Invest in While Your Twenties

College parties, investments, marriage, and so much tends to happen in your 20s. I've loved and lost, graduated from college, moved in with my grandfather, cut my hair, and the list goes on and on. A lot happens before you turn the big Dirty 30. The trick to success in your 20s is knowing what to invest your time and energy into, so I created this list of 5 things to invest in while in your twenties.  

This one is major, honey. Do yourself a favor and invest in staple items such as: trench coat, work blazers, classic pumps, sweaters, tights, and undergarments. After college you will enter into the workforce and with your young age against you, a well polished wardrobe will give you a positive reason to stand out. Save your stiletto pumps for the weekends and after work, but throw them out. Keep those sassy high heel shoes.

Do you own a smart phone, laptop, or camera? Now is the time to invest in those purchases. Choose a camera that can grow with you. Use your camera to capture memories like graduations, bridal showers, births, etc. Use your phone to stay in touch with relatives. Try making actual phone calls to loved ones instead of text messages. You're only getting older, much like your parents and grandparents so use technology to stay in touch. 

Read, read, read. I cannot stress this enough. If you don't like to read, try looking at magazines and ebooks instead of novels. Learn about investing, running a business, style, owning a home, science, romance or whatever the heck interests you. Spend your 20s learning as much as you can. This decade really sets the tone for the rest of your adult life. 

Bingo. I get it, you're paying off your student loan debt and saving for your dream wedding to your high school sweetheart so money is tight. Travel anyway. Save $50 a month for 6 months and buy a plane ticket, that's $300. Split lodging with a group of friends and eat off of the $1 menu. It's not about the costs, it's about the experience. 

This entire list is full of ways to invest in yourself. The most important investment that you can make in your 20s is in your health. Pick up an active hobby, take walks, run a marathon, learn how to cook, drink a lot of water. Stay active and eat your vegetables because frankly gravity is still on your side. LOL 

I love being in my 20s because its a time to make mistakes and learn yourself and the world around you. Use this decade to invest in your happiness, build wealth, travel, and do crazy things like free fall from almost 200 feet up in the air. Yes, I did concur the rip cord and no I do not have any regrets. Your 20s are for discovery.

How are you spending your 20s? What do you hope to accomplish for yourself before you reach the Dirty 30?



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