Jasmine Diane

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September Goals

My monthly goals posts are finally back! I never stopped writing out my goals, but actually setting realistic monthly goals to accomplish became difficult without an online reminder so here are my September goals and a few life updates. A looooot has changed since I walked across that stage on May 15, 2015. Post graduation life has had its share of ups and downs with a whole lot of victories.

For the month of September, I am focus on creating systems within my life and business because I quit my internship to find my passion and to give those passions time to flourish. I felt like I was drowning in my life all summer long and refused to live my entire life like that. It sounds a tad dramatic, but that is real so here I am jobless chasing my blogging + site design passions. Okay I'm rambling again, so its time to jump into the post. Read my September Goals below.

August Goals:

  1. Complete ALL current freelance projects: I am stoked to have completed nearly all of my freelance projects. I have a few finishing touches to make to 2 sites, but everything is in place. You can check out my design portfolio here. I am now taking on new clients for the month, so book early if your brand needs a facelift.
  2. Start podcast: I decided not to start a podcast right now after much thought. I wanted to create a #JasMotivates series then it hit me that I was already doing a million things and a podcast would just be 1 more thing on my to-do list. I might revisit this idea in the future.
  3. Start home office decoration: My home office is set-up! I have new curtains, fresh desk decor, and framed quotes for inspiration. I found a ton of cute office images on Pinterest. Are you on Pinterest too? Let's connect there. Follow me @thejasminediane!
  4. Go back to my trainer: I went back for 1 session. I still have 2 sessions left in my summer package. Once those sessions end I will be on my own to work out since I left my job. I won't have the extra income for a trainer, so I will be working out in my home. I may get a gym membership eventually, but for now I am content with completing my sessions with my oh, so amazing trainer!
  5. Complete Cupcakes and Connections calendar through 2015 and start 2016 planning:Cupcakes and Connections is my social organization. I started Cupcakes and Connections in June of this year and we've been up and running ever since. If you are in Kansas City, come out to our Fall Networking Mixer on September 15, 2015.

September Goals:

  1. Create a plan for tackling debt for the next 6 months: I am in debt up to my ears with 1 credit card and student loans. I want to get a serious hold over my finances before my student loans grace period ends in December. With that being said, stay tuned for more finance advice. I'll be the test dummy for getting out of debt, so that I can help others.
  2. Lose 10 pounds: My goal weight is 150 pounds. I currently weigh in at 168.5 pounds. Losing 10 or more pounds this month is going to take some serious discipline, but I can do it. I am addicted to fast food, like McDonald's and Churches are two of my favorite places to stop unless I want soul food or Chinese. I am a foodie by nature, so the gym isn't my problem at all. I can work out and sometimes enjoy it, but to actually deny myself a double cheeseburger is tough. I love to eat what I want, when I want so pray for me! September I will be going through a fast food detox.
  3. Update portfolio images: I can't wait to update the slider images within my online portfolio. That's the geek + model inside of me screaming out for joy! LOL I seriously want to make sure that I am putting my best foot forward in every aspect of my life and brand. Wish me luck and check out my portfolio here.
  4. Figure out readers + Monetize blog: I want to make a living from the Jasmine Diane brand. Crazy right? Geesh I'm super excited about what is to come. I am working on an e-book and setting up styling services for you guys to have one-on-one time with me! I get a lot of requests for styling and I tend to just do it, but I have decided to make this a service which means costs are involved. I am committed to making money doing what I love, even if its tough starting out!
  5. Sleep at night: I have been running on 4 to 6 hours a night of sleep all summer long. Finally I am forcing myself to unplug and rest at night. I always feel like there aren't enough hours in the day, so while I self-employed and seeking part-time opportunities I have decided to work during the day and rest at least 1 hour before bed and give myself a 11pm bedtime. Seems silly, but I think getting more rest will help clear up my skin and give me more energy overall.
  6. Birthday bash: I will be the big 23 in October. I am celebrating with a skate party. I need to nail down a date, time, guest list, and of course the cupcake order. I can't wait to see what 23 brings me. 22 was a huge roller coaster, some good and some bad.

Okay that's all folks! I have a full plate for September. What are your goals for this month? Can you relate to my monetizing desire and weight loss goal? Please share below! Peace and love!