Jasmine Diane

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The Instagram App That Changed My Life: UNUM

Today I wanted to share 3 of my biggest mistakes when I first started branding myself on Instagram, so that you don't make the same mistakes I did. UNUM is the Instagram app that changed my life. It helped me to take my content from good to BOMB! 

Mistake 1: Ignored Planning

Before I started using UNUM I wasn't planning out my content. I didn't coordinate my Instagram content with my blog content which was confusing my followers. I was talking about women empowerment, style and marketing on my site but my IG was only focusing on style.

Mistake 2: Focus on Engagement

Girl, I didn't know boundaries. I would talk about problems going on in my personal life with no filter... including a post about granny panties. Finally, I have learned to be tactful and only sharing encouraging or teaching moments. You don't need the internet all in your business. Use UNUM to create a theme for your profile and stay consistent. Pay attention to the types of post that receive the most engagement. 

Mistake 3: No Research

I didn't start using hashtags or focusing on the timing of my posts until about two years ago. This was way before Instagram's crazy algorithm switches. They are great for discovery within your niche. I often find myself searching for things like #braids and #nails before appointments. How about you?

Be useful and you will always be paid. UNUM shows you the best hashtags for your profile along with the best days and times to post.

These mistakes could have easily been avoided if I had taken Instagram seriously, but I hope you take these tips and don't make the same mistakes I did. Making these mistakes I learned personal branding the hard way.

Now I know planning, thought out content and using hashtags are important steps to take when branding myself on Instagram. Click here to download the complete list of apps that helped me to brand myself and save time on branding!

Ps. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Peace.

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