There Is A Time For Everything Pt. 3

There is a time for everything by

What changes have you been through in the past two months? What are you going through at this very moment? Whatever it is, I promise you that it will not break you. You will survive this heart ache and pain, just like you did before. Now is the time for you to pick yourself up off of the ground and become the smiling, beautifully amazing queen that God always intended for you to be. Stop allowing your mistakes to define you. Your story will inspire so many others, so don't you dare throw in the towel.
A ton of things have changed in my life since my first two posts in the There Is A Time For Everything series. In just a few months, I have survived finals week, let go of a relationship, dealt with the death of a high school friend, casually dated, gained 5 pounds, and rededicated my life to Christ. That sounds like a lot, right? Yeah, I thought so too but what if I told you that I feel better than ever before . Those sad moments where I felt worthless and hopeless have motivated me to write more, launch my portfolio, and step outside of my comfort zone.
There was a time when all I wanted was to be a popular blogger, get married, and stay skinny, but now I know that those small things do not compare with the great big plans that God has in store. Life's curveballs are God's way of getting our attention. Sometimes He literally has to push people, jobs, and desires out of our focus because we are stuck. Now is the day and time to get unstuck and start your business. Life waits for no one and as surely as there is a time to live there is a time to die. Do not waste your breath or energy with people and things that are no good for you. Focus your affections on things above and spend time learning who you are.
There is a time for everything, so no matter what season you are in choose to always be optimistic. I think my friend's passing was a key factor in me wanting to be my best self. She was only sick for 2 months before she died. In less than 3 months, she was gone. Her death hit me like a ton of bricks and from that moment forward I decided to stop taking things, people, and even my own life for granted. It is my hope and prayer that this post inspired you to do the same.
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