Discontentment: Am I Walking the Right Way?
I want more than I see in front of me and it bothers me that I don't know what my future holds. Sure I love fashion, but I don't know that I want this forever. I am not sure if it's the string of personal trials in my life that are making me lose my passion or fate itself.
I know that God put me here to do more than blog and style. He put me here to inspire and to give. I want to be a blessing to other people, specifically young women, and to get more specific young women of color. My problem lately has been finding ways to do that with my busy schedule.
I am interning with Shoe Me Shoes and I absolutely love it (You will learn more about SMS in the near future.)! I love the glow that I see in young girls eyes when we speak to them and give. I have spoken at 2 area high schools and actually and the pleasure of watching the founders of Show Me Shoes speak as well. That's what I want to do with my life, ya know? My path to getting there is what I am trying to find. God is so good that I know he has a plan, but I still struggle with being content with where I am.
Have you ever found yourself in a place of discontentment? Its almost as if you are watching life pass you by. You're doing the right thing and things are steady, but it still feels like you're waiting for your breakthrough. That's where I am as of now. I like fashion and it brings me a lot of joy, but I just know that I was put here to do more.
My question to you is, what are you doing right now to reach your dreams? Are you building your network? Are you expanding your brand? Do you have some knowledge under your belt? All in all, I try not to worry because I know God has it all under control. However, I am thinker so sometimes it is really hard to just go with the flow.
It can get tough, but we are in this fight together. I promise not to give up and I am encouraging you not to quit either. Years from now we will both look back at this time and smile.
Btw, what do you think of the new blog design? Are you connected with us on Instagram? Did you know that we're hosting a 100,000 page views giveaway next month! Stay tuned!
Much Love,