How to Brand Yourself Using Free Tools

Welcome to my first blog post of 2018. I'm feeling refreshed and excited about all that's in-store for the new year.

Are you ready for the best year of your life? There's nothing like a new year to kickstart better branding. Branding took me from broke college blogger to sought after influencers. This video will walk you through how to brand yourself using free tools and collaboration. 

Social Media Bio

Who are you? Who do you help? Where can people find you? Is it an email? Is it an URL to your site? Is it a URL to your portfolio?

Maybe you do all communications via Instagram. Maybe you don't have a site. How can I contact you? I need to know how to get your money. You want to make money so how do you communicate with your consumer or potential consumer, how can they contact you outside of social media. Do you have a newsletter list? What is in your bio? Location? Think about these things.

Email signature

Use your email signature to add your social media links, your portfolio, your URL links. Who are you and what is your title? Where can I find you? Are you hosting an event? Put the link to purchase tickets to your event in that email signature.  Put the event page link in your email signature.

You need to show people where you are, what you are doing, give them quick headline, maybe you have a really popular blog post that you are doing or really popular series. Put the link to that in your email signature.


Are you looking for your sister or brother to the right of you and saying,  "Hey let's create a project together?" Or "Let's do this product together to get your followers and my followers together. Collaboration equals more people and more influence.

Products to Help with Branding

What to Say on Social Media to Sell Tickets
Sale Price: $6.99 Original Price: $10.00
How to Brand Your Business 101
Sale Price: $6.99 Original Price: $10.00
Content Planning Guide and Worksheets
Sale Price: $6.99 Original Price: $10.00

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