Jasmine Diane

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How To Travel For Work the Right Way

Traveling for work is one of my favorite perks and responsibilities of my job in advertising. In the last two and a half years, I’ve traveled to New York City, Atlanta, Columbus, St.Louis and Orlando for work. I am writing this post to share some tips and tricks for work travel that I’ve learned along the way. Keep reading to learn how to travel for work the right way.


Be early for your flights and meetings. on time is late, so be 5 to 10 minutes early. Set your alarms ahead of time and try to go to bed early. If you’re like me and have trouble sleeping when you’re away from your spouse, then set a few extra alarms because you’ll be on the phone late. As a rule of thumb, I try to fly in the day before any scheduled meetings to ensure I make it to my desired destination on time.

Look the Part

It is important to dress up for work travel, but never forget those comfy shoes. I like to swag out outfits with white sneakers or bedazzled flats. Make sure your personality shines through, but you aren’t wearing any competitors merchandise. You always need a pair of comfy shoes for the airport and socks for the plane ride.


Work travel isn’t the time to forget your charger. Make sure your laptop and cell phone are full charged before your work trips. Also, make sure you pack both chargers and a car charger if you are planning to rent a car. You will need your phone for directions in a new city and/or for Uber if you aren’t renting a car.

Reason for Travel

Solidify the purpose of your work travel before the trip so that you know the right questions to ask. This could also help you decide who to bill your time and expenses to. It’s always important to get the green light on your travel itinerary and budget before booking a flight or hotel.

Travel Smart

I struggle with this one, so I saved it for last. Traveling smart means packing an extra outfit, umbrella, jacket, extra panties, a hair tie, etc. Traveling smart doesn’t necessarily mean traveling light. I have been delayed and stuck enough times to know. You can watch travel adventures on Instagram Stories here. Account for extra days when traveling and pack a jacket for cold offices. Always try to anticipate the unexpected since you can’t bring your entire wardrobe.

I hope this post was helpful and insightful for you. Work travel is definitely beautiful but it takes planning to nail things logistically.

Ps. Don’t forget to follow along with me on Instagram, @thejasminediane.